
Hibernate System Exception

September 15, 2015 | 1 Minute Read

The following hibernate system exception is raised after I modified the xml file.

hibernateSystemException Don’t change the reference to a collection with cascade=”all-delete-orphan”

The explanation told nothing at all.. So I try google or stackOverflow, none of them provided a practical solution for me.

Finally, I checked the xml carefully again and again, then suddenly I realize that one of the bean name is reused again.

<bean id="tradingAccCredit" class="com.cmms.sharedlib.ControlGroup">
    <property name="controls">
    <util:list value-type="com.cmms.sharedlib.ClientMaint">
            <ref bean="tradingLimitCM" />
            <ref bean="expDtOfTradeLimitCM" />
            <ref bean="tradingLoanLimitCM" /> // The bean name is used previously in another xml
            <ref bean="expDtOfLoanLimitCM" />
            <ref bean="creditRatingCM" />
    <property name="userRoles">
    <util:list value-type="com.cmms.sharedlib.ControlUserRole">
    <ref bean="mo_editMode" />
    <ref bean="mom_editMode" />

To sum up, make sure the bean names are unique. Otherwise, spring will have confusions while registering the beans to the pool.